Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Racing Extinction

Interesting Bits of the Week - 11/21/2015

1. Video of father explaining Paris attacks to son

2.  Road Map to the CisLunar-1000 Economy

3.  L'Équipe Coeurs de Soccer - Sounders

4.  Exclusive Interview with Patrick Vieira

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Exclusive Interview with Patrick Vieira

Les Bits Intéressants de la Semaine - 11/15/2015

1. French flag flies atop Space Needle

2. La Basse-Autriche, où l'électricité est 100 % verte

3. L'Équipe Coeurs de Soccer

4. Quel drone filme les meilleures vidéos ?

5.  L'OVNI du vendredi 13 : WT1190F attendu sur Terre le 13 novembre 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Road Map to the CisLunar-1000 Economy

Interesting Bits of the Week - 11/14/2015

1. Appeals for Unity After 'Act of War'

2. Democrats and Republicans agree: If you can mine it in space, it’s yours

3. U.S. Soccer, Resolving Lawsuit, Will Limit Headers for Youth Players

4. The Oatmeal - It's Going to be Okay

Saturday, November 07, 2015

No Laces

Interesting Bits of the Week - 11/7/2015

1. Rewrite of Onboard Memory Planned for NASA Mars Orbiter

Link []

2. Why NASA Needs a Programmer Fluent In 60-Year-Old Languages

3. How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service